I spent an afternoon baking cookies with these lovely ladies and my mom and my bubbe. It was lots of fun and the perfect first day home!
My mom and I made tried lots of great recipes! We made chai tea using Elsie's recipe as our inspiration. We made stuffed peppers with lots of delicious veggies and beans, brown rice and quinoa. We made a raw cheesecake with raw cashews and coconut oil as the "cheese" from Roost. We also made raspberry ricotta whole wheat scones from Smitten Kitchen (ours didn't turn out quite as pretty as hers). It was a treat to get to cook with my mama! It was really nice to have time and energy to be able to dedicate to making good, wholesome foods.
Every year for Christmas we celebrate by eating finger foods and sandwiches, wearing our pajamas and playing. The last couple of years we have played Just Dance which is a riot. Bubbe and Papa joined in this year!
I also got to spend lots of quality time with my darling sissies. I love them and value our time all together so much. We all live in different places so all being home together is fabulous.
I don't have pictures of any of my reunions with friends, but was lucky enough to see lots of friendly faces. I went out for burgers and beers with dear friends, went to a party and played mafia, and went to a brunch at a friend's house. I feel so fortunate to have so many great friends from high school who are either still in the area or returning home for the holidays! I love getting to catch up and reminisce with them.
I am so grateful for the useful, thoughtful gifts I received from family, friends and Santa. I feel thankful for my loved ones sharing their precious time and energy with me. And I am grateful for a healthy and happy new year!
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