Sunday, September 9, 2012

What brought me to Pittsburgh.....

I moved to Pittsburgh for a couple of big reasons. When both of my sisters decided to move away from Minneapolis this fall, I knew that if I was going to move, this was the time! I was feeling ready for a new adventure, ready to move on from baggage, ready for a fresh start. 

My father grew up outside of Pittsburgh, in a small town called Monaca. I grew up visiting at least once a year to see my grandparents, aunts and uncles and cousins! When I was in about 5th grade and pulling fossils out of the side of the hill behind my grandparent's house, I knew I wanted to move to Pennsylvania.  I have been dreaming about moving to Pittsburgh for many years now, and when I was looking to graduate school, my cousin mentioned the program that she had just started.

Chatham University

I looked into many, many different food focused programs all over the country. The ONLY program I ended up applying to was Chatham University's Master of Arts in Food Studies (MAFS). It is a comprehensive, interdisciplinary food studies program. It is really great because I get to learn about a variety of topics within food studies and also choose a focus. I didn't want to go into a program that I could ONLY study sustainable agriculture, or JUST nutrition, or ONLY policy, or JUST food communications. This program is a combination of all those topics. I wanted a comprehensive education to be able to continue teaching others through gardening and cooking. I am really excited that this program is what allowed me to take a leap of faith and move across the country to Pittsburgh, to a very new place. 

These are the steps I walk up everyday to class!
I also have a chance to work on another student-run, sustainable, organic farm. I am doing an assistantship at the Eden Hall Campus. I will be helping with the organic certification of the farm, various research projects, and general farm maintenance. I have already had so many chances to do new things! I have learned about growing and harvesting shiitake mushrooms and harvesting and milling buckwheat. I am looking forward to working on a new farm, learning new knowledge and skills!

Shiitake Mushrooms ready to be harvested.

This weekend, I started to really feel like I live in Pittsburgh. It is pretty crazy. I live in a city that is 900 miles from the Twin Cities. Nine hundred miles away from my family, friends, and my safety net.  I am looking at apartments with new friends tomorrow, fingers crossed for something great! I am really looking forward to having my own place.

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